mustronk 25. June 1963 (60), Tallinn, Estonia Was online about a week ago
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  • The aim of my registration on this site is friendshipflirtrelationship
  • Interested in girls
  • I speak estonianenglishrussian.
  • I have two children.
  • 190 cm
  • I don't smoke.
  • Yet to be answered
  • 05.06.2017
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His quizzes
  • Are crazy in love person The test will show how quickly you fall in love
    • You plunge headlong into love and nothing and no one can become an obstacle to those feelings that have the upper hand over you. You don’t know how and don’t want to play at love, because every time you experience a strong attachment it seems to you that this person is your destiny, which you have been looking for all your life. Considering that your character is characterized by emotionality, you are always ablaze with feelings and in every possible way express to the object of your love your passion and desire to constantly be together. The main thing is not to overdo it, because everything should be in moderation and love here, perhaps, is no exception.
  • What does love mean to you? The test will show what importance you attach to love
    • love lies, first of all, in the kinship of souls. It is on a spiritual level that you feel whether this person is yours or not. Having caught, as they say, the same wave, you consider it a real pleasure to spend the maximum amount of time in each other’s company. That person to whom you can completely open up and who understands you perfectly can easily claim an honorable place in your heart..
  • What is your rhythm of life? Find out at what pace you live
    • You live at a measured pace and are not going to rush anywhere, adhering to the position that things will not run away, and you are simply not interested in spending all your energy resources on one thing. If you feel at least a little tired, then you are unlikely to overexert yourself and give yourself, your loved one, a rest for an hour, or even another... And even if not everything planned can be accomplished on time, the result is more important to you than the path to achieving it. To say that it’s time for business and time for fun is hardly appropriate in your case, rather, on the contrary. Well, this is your position and you have every right to manage your time as you like.
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