aleksei26 20. March 1984 (40), Haapsalu, Estonia Was online more than one month ago
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  • The aim of my registration on this site is friendshipflirtrelationship
  • Interested in girls
  • I speak estonianrussian.
  • I have no kids.
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  • I don't smoke.
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  • 18.02.2011
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Haapsalu: 99th position
31.05.2024 01:16
His quizzes
  • What can kill your love? Tthis is what kills your love
    • You belong to the category of people who love attention. If in a relationship you feel [__ separator__] a lack of attention towards yourself, then of course, first, you will try to fix it with the help of conversations and moralizing and if this does not help then it will simply become uninteresting and boring and it will not lead to anything good. You are sure that love must be constantly supported by actions and interest towards each other, otherwise relations can simply go into the stage of indifference...
  • What do you expect from love? Find out what real love is for you
    • You are deeply convinced that true love is mutual love and everything else just does not matter. Mutual love brings so much energy and more vivid colors to life. Not only are bodies joined but also souls. If it happens that your feelings are not answered you don't suffer much and realize that this just wasn't your person. The main thing is to recognise the love of your life.
  • What can end your communication with a person? Find out what you'll never forgive
    • You are a person who does not tolerate betrayal, so if you notice this from someone in your circle of communication, your relationship immediately [__ separator__] goes downhill. You are certain that if person betrays you once no doubt it will happen again. Youbelieve that it is always worth to be extremely frank with others and any, even a difficult situation, can always be solved. You do not need a lot of friends and acquaintances but they have to be trusted and honest people, there is no place in your life for traitors.
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