Flame Of dragon
35, Tartu, Estija

In the mountains, black as night
rests a gem no man can tame
red as blood and feared by men
is the gruesome Dragon's Flame.

Deadly fire is its magic,
meant to burn, mangle, maim
No one can hope to escape
the wrath of Dragon's Flame.

Many have sought its power
for their own fortune and fame
Yet one by one did they succumb
to the horror of Dragon's Flame.

They did not believe the stories
thinking all was just a game
but soon they learned the folly
of trusting Dragon's Flame.

One brave soul then hid it well
yet history knows not his name
To take the madness upon himself
and bury Dragon's Flame.

Now deep within the Dragon's Death
it rests in silent shame
hungrily it waits for you
the dreaded Dragon's Flame.

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