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Nuotrauka buvo pridėta: Siųsti dovaną  
Siųsti dovaną qjuubik y 15. Gegužė 1977 (47), Paide, Estija Buvo prisijungęs/usi prieš diena

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prudent prieš daugiau nei mėnesį

nice to meet you, how are you feeling today?... My name is Prudent am a woman of 28 years old , i was surfing through when i just came across your profile and i hope you don't mind me sending in a message, i am new here to make new friends and connect with the world, i would like to get to know more about you, i mean everything that concerns you, i do not see age, distance or language as a barrier to a good friendship, what matters is the trust and understanding we could have between each other. I'm not a really good writer but i believe that practice makes perfect and with time I'll be good. write back to me at prudentadel@yahoo.com and i would write more about myself

Ülle prieš daugiau nei mėnesį

Rõõmus ,see on hea

Rista prieš daugiau nei mėnesį

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